Ep84: Jennifer's Birth Stories - One Hospital, Three C-Sections, and Birth Wishes as a Muslim Woman

We have another special birth story episode this week, but this time you're getting three birth stories in one!

Jennifer is an international board certified lactation consultant, wife and mom of three. She had all three of her babies at the same hospital and had a C-section with each of them - but as you'll hear, her birth experiences were different every single time. 

Jennifer and I talk about all three of her births so you can understand how her hospital experiences and self-advocacy developed over time. We discuss pre-eclampsia, why she really wanted a VBAC with her second and third babies, and how her prenatal care & birth wishes were shaped by her religion.

Check out ncrcoaching.com/episode84 for complete show notes, and join my email list at ncrcoaching.com/email-signup/!


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